Shampoo Review: Aromatica and Nature Republic

9:17:00 PM Sarah sk 0 Comments

This post is all about shampoos from two Korean brands: AROMATICA and NATURE REPUBLIC.

The first product I have tried is Aromatica Rosemary Scalp Scaling Shampoo.

Aromatica is a brand committed to protecting the environment while producing safe, natural and effective products. 
And this shampoo in no exception as it is Vegan │ Cruelty free │ Sulfate free │ Silicone free │100% Recycled Bottle.
Aromatica rosemary scalp scaling shampoo

It is a product that aims to gently remove excess dead skin cells and to balance and nourish the scalp while promoting healthy hair roots.

I used this shampoo for about a year because it was a top seller in Korea and many people were recommending it.  It is refreshing and has a light herbal scent. You really need to massage the gel into your scalp so that it removes dead skin cells and any excess oil or products.

What I love about this shampoo is that it helped me fight dandruff and itchy scalp. On the downside, it made my hair super dry, and since I was already struggling with dry hair, it only made things worse. 

I struggled to finish the bottle, but unfortunately the flakiness issues made a comeback. Therefore, I will not be repurchasing this product.

Nature Republic  Black Bean Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 

I bought this shampoo twice because I wanted to test its effectiveness against hair loss for a longer period of time.

It is also a natural brand and this product is for sensitive scalps and people who struggle with hair loss. It has a clean ingredient list and has a gentle cleansing power. It is an acidic shampoo that helps balance the pH of your scalp and hair.
Nature Republic Black Bean anti hair loss shampoo

This shampoo doesn't have much of a smell, but you feel an instant cool menthol sensation when you first apply it to your hair.

I washed my hair twice each time to feel like my scalp was perfectly cleansed. But it wasn't stripping at all. 

My hair wasn't as soft or manageable, but that's understandable because that's not what the shampoo is supposed to do.

Finally, after finishing both bottles, I was bummed out because I didn't see any real improvement of the amount of hair I lose every time in or out of the showers.

So that was it for this post and I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

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