Innisfree : Green Tea Moisture Cream OR Orchid Enriched Cream

7:17:00 PM Sarah sk 4 Comments


Another Innisfree product review

You could sense a pattern here believe me I know, but I do like Innisfree they claim to be a natural brand so I'm down for that. 

I had actually bought these two creams I'm comparing today for my mother because she was looking for a moisturizing cream for her dry skin, after she had tried every thing she could find locally whether it's a drugstore product or a brand one.
Moisture Or Orchid Enriched Cream

The Green Tea Moisture Cream

Is the cream  I picked up for her first back in January and she already finished the whole jar. 

Green Tea Moisture Cream

This cream is alcohol free and a  very moisturizing, it offers deep hydration for people with dry skin, it's also very cooling and refreshing whenever you apply it to the face and neck area.

It could be used as a night or a day cream because it's not that heavy or sticky and the skin absorbs it very quickly plus it has a beautiful green tea fragrance to it that I absolutely love.

However I can say that it is more suitable for a younger type of skin as I have tried it so many times and love it.

My mother in the other hand wanted a more heavier formula to be used solely at night for a much better affect and suitable for a mature type of a skin. 

And when I was looking I've found great reviews about the ORCHID INTENSE CREAM but it turned  out it has alcohol in it and that's a NO NO  in a moisturizing cream because alcohol as we all know dries up the skin even more.

Therefore before she finished the green tea cream I've purchased the alcohol free version from the orchid line. 

The Orchid Enriched Cream

Orchid Enriched Cream

To my surprise my mom really loved this one in particular and looks like she found the ONE as she got me to order another. 

The texture of the cream is a bit heavier and it has a light color to it. But it's definitely non sticky and non greasy with a wonderful smell. 
It's supposed to be an anti-aging cream for a younger and healthier skin. 

When applied at night it leaves the skin feeling moist and smooth like a baby's skin and the effects could be felt the next morning and thought the whole day as well.
My mom said that it's very addictive and that she would like to keep using this cream everyday.

So for her it's a cream worth it's money since she could actually see and feel the obvious differences it's making to her skin. And I completely agree with her to be honest.

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  1. Nice and Sovery usefull article!! can this orchid enriched be used both in morning and night or just at any one time? Can you suggest a good morning and a night anti aging cream! For my mom!!

    1. Thanks for your interest and sorry for the late response. Yes the cream can be used both morning and evening. Suggestions for your mom depends on her skin type and condition. If you can share that information it will be very helpful.

  2. Which one is more suitable for oily skin? The green tea or the jeju orchid?

  3. The orchid one is for people with very dry skin, and the green tea cream is more suitable for people with normal to dry skin types. I hope I have answered your question. Thank you.
