10 things I really hate

10:31:00 PM Sarah sk 3 Comments


Random rants 

Things I hate

Books not released on time or with indefinite release date: The wait is unbearable

A haircut gone bad : Not even remotely close to what you had in mind

A group photo published on social media without warning : Everyone but you is looking good

 Watching a movie with someone who keeps interrupting : With questions or random stuff 

 People liking your new clothes : In front of everybody "how embarrassing" 

 People telling you to be more feminine : How you dress; how you talk; and what you do

 Waiting for subtitles for your favorite shows: It's like everything is in slow motion

 People who cut in line : Without even an "excuse me"

 Being overly exited about something and the disappointment that comes with it : Coming down from the high is heart-breaking   

 Feeling out of place in a party or an event : That awkward moment of not knowing what to do

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