My first experience with Korean sheet masks

2:06:00 AM Sarah sk 0 Comments

Innisfree - It's Real Squeeze Mask (Green Tea) 


Innisfree Green Tea MaskIn a attempt to dive deeper into the Korean skin care rituals you know to belong to the community without actually having to do the whole work  "10 step skin care routine" i mean how do they make it happen i have no idea i can barely keep the basics : cleanse and moisturize .

They say sheet masks target various skin troubles and the choice should be on whatever you want to treat first. So I've searched for the moisturizing ones and found these Innisfree - It's Real Squeeze Masks they were best- selling at the time. I went with the green tea line and bought a whole bunch 10 to be exact that was the deal for 15 dollars. 

Innisfree Green Tea Mask 
So my mom and me tried to spoil and pamper ourselves a little bit with these amazing benefits of green tea because we share the same skin type and that is VERY VERY DRY. 
Innisfree Green Tea MaskThe directions said to cleanse and use a toner and leave it on for like 15 to 20 minutes. So we cleansed our faces without toning ( not a big fan), opened the thing containing the mask it was very wet and moist and tricky to actually get it to stretch  to suit the whole face.
We kept it on for the whole 20 minutes even thought the mask was slippery and we had to re-adjust it every now and then, the problem as silly as it was, we had no idea what to do next: do we wash it or not? do we moisturize after?

Call it beginners fault or lack of research LOL but I don't think we actually felt any difference to be honest because we did wash our faces for the second time. We had this idea in mind that the essence like product left from the mask (that we were suppose to just tap it on so the face absorbs it), is going to have undesirable effects in the morning yeah stupid I know that now. 


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